Posted by: Ophelia | September 12, 2008

Jordin Sparks doesn’t want to be a slut like you

Remember Jordin Sparks from her comments on how she doesn’t want to give away bits of her soul? Well if you don’t wear a purity ring, not only are you apparently soulless but you’re a slut!

I just have one thing to say about promise rings. It’s not bad to wear a promise ring, because not everybody – guy or girl – wants to be a slut.

Moreover, she doesn’t regret it: “I wish I would’ve worded it differently — that somebody who doesn’t wear a promise ring isn’t necessarily a slut — but I can’t take it back now. It was a split-second thing, and it came out kind of wrong. Still, I don’t regret it.”

I understand being upset at someone belittling your choices, so I’m not sure why she hasn’t at least apologized. You know, golden rule and all of that. The fact that she finds it appropriate to deem anyone without purity rings (apparently virgin or not) slutty and not are pure and soulful and non slutty may well indicate that it’s not about purity so much as the appearance of superiority. It sort of sets out a basic feminist point, the elevation of virginity and purity is for the sake of control and for the sake of devaluing those that do not fit or do not appear to fit within those borders. I can have respect for abstinence pledges but apparently they don’t have to respect the choices of others–even if you’re pure as the driven snow, if you don’t show it off then you’re a skank.


  1. I take issue with the whole cult of virginity. It is specifically aimed at women and is nothing but patriarchal control of our bodies. There is no huge social push for men to remain virginal and this is problematic. Who gets to decide what makes someone a slut?

  2. I bet she hates photographs, as she probably thinks that’s taking her soul too.

  3. The entire concept of virginity is stupid. I mean, it makes absolutely no sense. Congratulations, you’ve discovered something fun you can do with your genitals and another consenting person’s genitals (or hands, or mouth, etc) after puberty. Huzzah.

  4. But don’t you see Jenn, if you do that you’re just being a big old whore! And by whore, of course, I mean undermining the basic social rules and structures which serve to enforce and preserve the will of those in positions of power.

    I mean, can you imagine a world in which everyone just does whatever they want so long as everyone involved is a consenting adult? It would be anarchy! Babylon! THERE MIGHT EVEN BE DANCING!


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